Relational, power-building organizing is essential to building a multiracial pluralistic democracy that can address the rise of authoritarianism and the intertwined crises that fuel it.

The Organizing Revival is our call to renew these practices to defeat authoritarianism and address interrelated crises.

Photo of choir singing at the official start of the People's Action Organizing Revival.

Why A Revival?

Good Organizing BuilDs From the Ground Up

A simple truth – that ordinary people, organized effectively, have the power to drive social change upwards to create the conditions for justice, equity, and freedom – has been the power behind every
great expansion of our democracy, from Abolition and Women’s Suffrage to Civil Rights and Marriage Equality. 

Yet the perils of our current moment are complex. How can we strengthen and defend our democracy, when some feel it fails them, and others want to eliminate democracy to advance an authoritarian agenda?

Our answer is the Organizing Revival. If we want to achieve a mutiracial, pluralistic democracy and move towards an inclusive economy, we must ground ourselves in the most effective practices of relational, power-based community organizing.

The Organizing Revival is our call to renew these practices to defeat authoritarianism. 

Graphic of a printed copy of the report "The Antidote to Authoritarianism"

The Antidote to Authoritarianism

How can we build a multiracial and pluralistic democracy with an inclusive economy to defeat the rise of authoritarianism? This question is front and center for People’s Action Institute and our allies. As experienced organizers dedicated to building power among those long denied it, we know firsthand that transformation happens from the ground up.

The Organizing Revival Newsletter

Across the country, in communities of all sizes, organizers are building base to grow the power we need to win real change. Into The Field shares these stories with you on a regular basis.

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Pillars of the Organizing Revival

Build organizing infrastructure

We are rapidly expanding our base and training programs so we can ground every one of our members and leaders in the best practices of community organizing.

Issue & Electoral campaigns

People's Action organizes around the issues that matter most in our communities, and builds relationships with candidates and elected officials who listen to these communities and share their values and goals. 

build a bigger "we"

To bring more people into our movement, we invite people to see themselves as part of a bigger "we": participants  in a vibrant, multiracial democracy with opportunities and justice for all.

Organize Philanthropy

Good organizing is not an afterthought, it is the foundation of social justice. To win lasting, meaningful change, we must cultivate a shared sense of purpose with philanthropy and end competition amongst allies so we can all advance together.
Photo of activists marching

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Updates from the
Organizing Revival

The latest updates, press, actions, and events on our Organizing Revival

Into the Field: This Is OUR Future

Every month People's Action shares the latest victories,campaigns and events from our member groups Nineteen states. Thirty-one actions. One message:…
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In Photos: ONE Northside Summer Bash 2024

More than 250 people joined ONE Northside's Summer Bash 2024 event to share food, music, and summertime weather at Gale…
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