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Every month People’s Action shares the latest victories,
campaigns and events from our member groups

Stronger together: these words have special meaning as we think of the legacy of a true giant in our midst, longtime People’s Action and Community Voices Heard board member Joseph Mpa, who passed away on September 30.

Joseph was many things to many people, especially to those of us in the People’s Action extended family: a peacemaker, master negotiator, always ready to step in to carry a banner, resolve a dispute, and illuminate a sense of hope and potential in a desperate situation. In the words of People’s Action’s former director, George Goehl, “Every meeting or conversation I had with him was like being with a sage.”

After joining the board of People’s Action in 2016, Mpa helped guide the newly formed group as nine national organizations merged to create the united network we know today. He always held a steady moral and strategic compass, the same one he held for each of us.

Mpa was many other things, beyond People’s Action to his family, friends and loved ones: he was a teenage Black Panther, hip hop pioneer, gang trucemaker and mentor to youth. You can read about Joseph’s extraordinary journey here.

If there’s one thing Joseph demonstrated to all of us at People’s Action, it is that we’re always stronger together. I think this especially in our turbulent season, as we face the most consequential election of our lifetimes. And yet we must also continue our patient yet determined work to hold elected officials to account at every level and demand solutions, as Joseph did, for improvements to our social safety net, criminal justice system, housing, health care, and for our planet.

All of these things are top of mind for People’s Action members and member organizations around the country, many of whom held their annual gatherings, town halls and public meetings this month. Read on to learn about some of these inspiring events in Kentucky, Iowa, Texas, Indiana, Washington State, and Illinois.

At People’s Action, we are thankful and inspired by the life and legacy of Joseph Mpa. Truly, we stand on the shoulders of giants.

In solidarity,

Amanda Weaver
People’s Action

Lead Story

Rest In Power: The Life and Legacy of Joseph Mpa

Joseph Mpa, who passed away on September 30, 2024, was an advocate for freedom and the rights of others. He was a comrade and dear friend to many people in the extended People’s Action family. He had an unparalleled soul and spirit who could bring calm and clarity to the most challenging situations. Read more

Organizing Stories

VOCAL-KY: Get Out To Vote, Y’all!

VOCAL-KY is knocking on doors and talking with neighbors all across Louisville to get out the vote! They have a focus on the Black and low-income communities of the city’s West End, where voter turnout has been low in the past. Read more

Indiana: Hoosier Action Hosts EverybodyIN Town Hall

More than 200 Hoosiers from 20 Indiana counties gathered in Scottsburg for the EverybodyIN Southern Indiana Town Hall for All, which featured powerful presentations by Hoosier Action members about their experiences with the shortcomings of health care, housing and the barriers and stigma associated with substance use and incarceration. Read more

Iowa CCI is Public School Strong!

Late summer means a lot of things in Iowa – the State Fair, corn and bean crops filling in, and kids getting ready for school. It’s also when Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI) and their sister organization, Iowa CCI Action, kick into high gear! Read more

VOCAL-TX: First-Ever Mayoral Candidates Forum

VOCAL-TX hosted a first-ever mayoral candidates forum in Austin to ask candidates what they plan to do to address homelessness, HIV/AIDS, the drug war, and mass incarceration. Read more

Washington: OneAmerica Votes Hosts “Our Thriving Home” Member Assembly

“Our Thriving Home” is not just the name of OneAmerica Votes’ annual member assembly, it is their vision for a Washington State where all have what they need to survive and thrive, with elected leaders who work with us and not against our coming together. Read more

Illinois: It’s Public Meeting Time In Chicago!

Public Meetings are a Chicagoland tradition, where powerbuilding organizations like The People’s Lobby and ONE Northside invite elected officials to publicly commit to improve our justice system, health care and housing, and much more. Dozens of electeds showed up at this year’s events! Read more

Recent Media

LISTEN “How To Fight a Factory Farm” Podcast

Iowa CCI has launched a new podcast series, How To Fight a Factory Farm! The first episode of this four-part series features CCI’s Board President, Barb Kalbach, and Strategic Advisor, Hugh Espey. Both have been factory farm fighters for years!

READ: Changing an Election, One Conversation at a Time

Research shows deep canvassing, the technique People’s Action has developed to change hearts and minds around controversial issues, is much more effective than standard methods of political persuasion. Read on to discover how Down Home North Carolina is using these techniques to talk with voters about abortion in Alamance County!

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