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Public Meetings are a Chicagoland tradition, where powerbuilding organizations like The People’s Lobby and ONE Northside invite elected officials to publicly commit to improve our justice system, health care and housing, and much more. Dozens of electeds showed up at this year’s events!

It’s Public Meeting Time in Chicago! These events are a Chicagoland tradition, where powerbuilding organizations like People’s Action member groups The People’s Lobby and ONE Northside invite elected officials to publicly commit to concrete objectives to reform our justice system, improve our health care and housing, and much more. Dozens of electeds showed up at this year’s events!

It was a packed house at “Building The Future We Deserve,” The People’s Lobby’s public meeting held at the University of Illinois Chicago on October 6. Sate legislators and city officials answered the group’s questions about criminal justice reform, public transit, health care, and workers’ rights and they made public commitments to support the TPL’s campaign goals.

Among those in attendance were state legislators Rep. Lindsay LaPointe, Rep. Will Davis, Rep. Theresa Mah, Sen. Mike Simmons, Sen. Robert Peters, Senate Nominee Graciela Guzmán, and. Sen. Ram Villivalam.

Chicago and Cook County elected officials present at the event included Alderpersons Byron Sigcho Lopez, Daniel La Spata, Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth, Matt Martin, Mike Rodriguez, Desmon Yancy and Andre Vasquez.

At ONE Northside’s annual event, a panel of lawmakers took questions from members. Among the victories they celebrated were taking 40 members to Springfield, Illinois for a Lobby Day and training 50 leaders in the fundamentals of organizing.

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