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People's Action

Homes Guarantee

People’s Action’s Homes Guarantee on FHFA Report: Tenants Are Winning

January 03, 2024
WASHINGTON, D.C. – People’s Action released a statement by Homes Guarantee Campaign Director Tara Raghuveer…

People’s Action and national allies demand federal housing action during coronavirus crisis

March 18, 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 18 March 2020Contact: Derrick Crowe, d.crowe@peoplesaction.org, 512.516.5067 cell WASHINGTON, D.C.—People’s Action today…

Sanders Adopts People’s Action’s ‘Homes Guarantee’ Policies in Newly Released Housing Plan

September 18, 2019
Sanders’ plan draws on many aspects of the housing justice policy package released by grassroots…

People’s Action Unveils Plan to Win a National Homes Guarantee

September 05, 2019
For Immediate Release September 5, 2019 Contact: Tara Raghuveer, (913) 593-7032‬ homes@peoplesaction.org CHICAGO – After…