Missouri Jobs with Justice faced a daunting task: gather more than 200,000 signatures to get an initiative on the ballot this November to mandate paid sick leave and a $15 minimum wage. MOJWJ’s answer?

More than 700 MOJwJ staff and volunteers worked around the clock to gather 210,000 signatures, which they submitted to Missouri’s Secretary of State on May 1. At least 107,246 of the signatures must be verified for the measure to appear on the ballot this November.
The measure would increase Missouri’s minimum wage by more than 20 percent, as well as one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked, and paid sick leave for family members.

“For twenty-five years, Missouri Jobs with Justice has been on the frontline with workers fighting for fair wages and an economy that works for all of us – not just the wealthy few,” said Joan Suarez, MOJwJ’s board president. “the experience, passion and strategy of Missouri Jobs with Justice cannot be denied. Since 2020, we’ve been working on this policy and as a board knew we were the folks to execute this.”