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We Will Not Let Republicans Take Away Health Care for Millions of People

WASHINGTON – People’s Action organizations on Saturday will join others throughout the country for a powerful nationwide Our Lives on the Line day of protests, rallies and marches to support health care for all.

Our Lives on the Line will give voice and visibility to the millions of people who will lose their health care if Republicans in Congress continue their efforts to undermine affordable, quality health care while give more power to insurance corporations.

More than 150 events are planned in 40 states this weekend, including the national event at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C.

“This is a life-and-death matter, we will continue fighting to stop the cruel and reckless health care repeal effort for as long as it takes,” said LeeAnn Hall said, co-director of People’s Action. “We have been very clear: Health care is a basic human need, if you insist on trying to take care away from millions of people, you will not be re-elected.”

This weekend is also the 52nd anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid.

“Medicaid and Medicare have helped millions and millions of people for more than a half-century; they will not be gutted on our watch,” said Andy Spears, executive director of Tennessee Citizen Action, part of the People’s Action network.

People’s Action is a national network of organization with a million people across 29 states. Since January, People’s Action’s member organizations have held more than 600 rallies and protests against Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Here are some of the People’s Action organizations planning events on Saturday, July 29:

Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
2 p.m. rally and march at the Iowa State Capitol
Contact: matthew@iowacci.org

Maine People’s Alliance
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Dufresne Plaza, 72 Lisbon St.
Lewiston, Maine
Contact: andrew@mainepeoplesalliance.org

Progressive Maryland
10 a.m. until noon
Rally and march at Lawyers Mall
100 State Circle
Annapolis, Md.

Progress Ohio
Noon- 3 p.m.
Artists, singers, dancers, activists tell Sen. Portman to stop the reckless repeal effort.
Sen. Rob Portman’s (R-OH) office In Cleveland
1240 E. 9th St.
Cleveland, Ohio
Contact: sandy@progressohio.org

11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Flash mob for Protect Our Health and birthday party for Medicaid
Summit on 16th Methodist Church, 82 E. 16 Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43201

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Piatt Park
100 Garfield Place
Cincinnati, Ohio

Keystone Progress (Pennsylvania)
A 24-hour vigil starting Saturday
Sen. Pat Toomey’s (R-PA) Erie Office
17 S Park Row
Erie, Pa.
Contact: dan@keystoneprogress.org

Tennessee Citizen Action
11:30 a.m. on Saturday
Rally with speakers
TennCare offices
310 Great Circle Road
Nashville, Tenn.]
Contact: andy@tnca.org

Virginia Organizing
JTI Fountain, Main Street Plaza
Danville, Va.
A public demonstration in support of the Affordable Care Act
Contact: nik.belanger@virginia-organizing.org.

West Virginia Citizen Action
Noon to 1 p.m.
Robert C Byrd Federal Courthouse, 300 Virginia St., East,
Charleston, West Virginia
Speakers, and a clothesline with hundreds of stories from West Virginians whose lives hang in the balance with the threat of health care repeal.

Citizen Action of Wisconsin
11 a.m.
With the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals
9620 W. Greenfield Ave.
West Allis, WI
Contact: katie.dunn@citizenactionwi.org

A full list of events can be found here.

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About People’s Action

People’s Action is a national network of 38 state and local grassroots, power-building organizations united in fighting for justice. Our organization recently released a vision for a national Homes Guarantee that has already prompted major legislation from champions including U.S. Reps. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib. We operate the largest progressive rural organizing project in the country. Prior to endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, we completed a national forum series that The Nation called “the most in-depth, people-powered forum” of the 2020 cycle.”

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