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Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI) were recently featured on the front page of the Dubuque Telegraph-Herald for their efforts to advocate for the rights of mobile home park residents.

Residents of the Table Mound Home Park have asked the Dubuque city council to pass a resolution supporting their effort to force Impact MHC Management LLC, the Colorado-based company that bought the park in 2017, to rein in fees and make repairs.

Impact’s buyout of the park is part of a national trend of manufactured-home consolidation by private equity firms. Since Impact bought the park, rents have doubled and they have added extra fees for water, sewage and garbage service.

The measure to defend residents is similar to one passed in North Liberty, Iowa, where the City Council passed a resolution to defend mobile home residents at parks purchased by Havenpark, a Utah-based company, which owns two parks in the town and dozens across the Midwest. Havenpark residents report similar increases in rent and reductions in services.

Over the past six months, Iowa CCI has knocked on over 1,200 mobile home doors, organizing residents to fight these increases.

“Iowa is not a red carpet for private equity that wants to buy a park, hike the rent, and discontinue maintenance,” Iowa CCI wrote in a Facebook post about the resolution.

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