Ads Will Air Over TV, Radio, and Internet and Feature Wisconsin Resident and Cash Crop Farmer, Craig Myhre
Contact: Johanna Kichton,, 202.660.0605
WASHINGTON, D.C.—People’s Action Power and Local Voices today announced an ad buy in battleground counties in Wisconsin to defeat Trump. The ad features the story of lifetime Wisconsin resident and cash crop farmer Craig Myhre, and will air over TV, radio, and internet in Trempealeau, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Juneau, Grant, and Vernon counties. By airing the ad in areas that People’s Action is currently deep canvassing, People’s Action and Local Voices have created a one-of-kind 360 degree voter engagement strategy.
“Trump won Wisconsin in 2016 and left farmers in the dust by destroying our agricultural markets,” People’s Action Director of Strategic Initiatives Adam Kruggel said. “Trump doesn’t really care about Wisconsin or the rural communities that make up its heartland. We need to be doing everything we can to defeat Trump, and that starts by listening to people like Craig.”
“Everybody is struggling to pay the bills—I don’t care who you are—whether you’re on the right side of the aisle or the left,” Trempealeau County resident Craig Myhre said. “I really feel that we’re at a dangerous point in time here, that if things don’t change in another year, there’s going to be lots of folks that aren’t around.”
Prior to this ad buy, People’s Action’s released a groundbreaking study that confirmed deep canvassing can significantly reduce Trump support in rural and small-town America in key battleground states, a documentary podcast—To See Each Other—chronicling rural organizing, and a federal policy roadmap backed by a diverse set of rural and progressive communities.
Watch a video version of the ads here.
About People’s Action and Local Voices
People’s Action is a national network of 36 state and local grassroots, power-building organizations united in fighting for justice. We operate the largest progressive rural organizing project in the country. The Nation called our Iowa presidential forum the “most in-depth, people-powered forum” of the 2020 cycle.
Over the last four Presidential election cycles, Local Voices has produced and distributed over 100 campaign first person narrative ads on behalf of Democratic presidential candidates. These ads feature rural and small-town voters sharing their personal stories and why the Democratic party has earned their vote. These ads are then distributed in the same areas they were shot for an particularly persuasive political ad.